Communicating Corporate Sustainability and Carbon Disclosure

We support companies as they navigate a new era of sustainability in a climate-focused business world.

Once a purely optional exercise, tracking, managing, and reporting CO2 emissions and other climate impacts have become imperatives for businesses of all types and sizes. Regulators in California and the European Union have already mandated carbon accounting and reporting for some businesses, and similar mandates from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission are imminent. The “ESG” trend may come and go, but sustainability and carbon accounting as core business considerations are here to stay. To adapt to this new reality, businesses must effectively communicate their new carbon and sustainability practices to all stakeholders.

Redwood’s deep knowledge of carbon accounting, carbon management, corporate sustainability, and carbon markets makes us the best partner to businesses and carbon service providers in the strategic communication of climate and sustainability initiatives.

For Corporations

Whether you’re ready to share your longstanding carbon and sustainability programs with the world or are just getting started, the story of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it can be the difference between success and failure. Even the best corporate sustainability programs can be prematurely silenced by “greenhushing,” when leadership blocks promotional campaigns for fear of criticism or backlash.

Redwood’s team of experts with unmatched experience in corporate sustainability can help maximize the reputational benefits of effective sustainability initiatives with specialized services, including:

  • • Internal Communications
    • Investor Communications
    • Policy Communications
    • Media Relations
    • Media Monitoring
    • Reputation Management
    • Crisis Communications
    • Greenwashing B.S. Detection (What’s this?)

For Carbon Accountants and Advisors

Carbon accounting, carbon management, and sustainability advising are on the cusp of a historic boom. New regulations and increasingly climate-conscious consumers and investors will soon push every company in the world to make carbon tracking a part of their operations.

Carbon accounting, carbon advising, and sustainability advising firms with the strongest brands and clearest value propositions will dominate the market.

Redwood’s communications experts with industry-leading experience and insight into carbon services can help carbon professionals develop and disseminate clear, simple, and compelling differentiators and specialties by providing:

  • • Message development with a focus on differentiation
    • Tailored marketing language and strategies for industry verticals
    • Media relations that reach priority audiences with earned coverage
    • Development of marketing materials
    • Drafting/editing website copy
    • Social media management and strategy

For Carbon Credit Sellers, Marketplaces, Rating Organizations, and Portfolio Managers

The global voluntary carbon market (VCM) has seen many ups and downs, with downs outnumbering ups. But the concept of carbon crediting and the VCM remain important to the private sector’s current and future efforts to contribute to climate solutions and biodiversity. Companies that communicate how their products and solutions account for past failures in the VCM and offer investments in tangible, transparent, and positive climate impacts to their customers will rise to the top.

Redwood can do the delicate work of articulating differentiators while also preempting concerns that a carbon credit, portfolio, or rating is unreliable and risky for buyers and users. We offer the best-qualified experts in the communications industry to help you share how your organization is ushering in the next era of carbon management with:

  • • Messages that reassure and inspire
    • Storytelling that highlights the people and places behind carbon credits
    • Thought leadership strategies that showcase unique perspectives on the VCM
    • Marketing messages and materials that address customers’ pain points and priorities

Book a Free Consultation

Book your complimentary consultation to discover how Redwood can amplify your carbon management and sustainability initiatives.