Illustrating How New Tech is Making the Electric Grid More Flexible, Reliable, and Lower-Carbon

We help companies navigate one of the most crowded and well-funded sectors of the climate industry — grid technology and grid infrastructure services.

Lowering emissions from energy generation requires a bigger, more responsive, and more modern electric grid, and investors and regulators know it. The story of how to remake the grid while mimizing massive capital expenditures and rate increase cases is ripe for the telling by the creative and hard-working companies bringing new technology into the sector.

But a complex and extremely competitive landscape combined with a patchwork of national and international policies make for a tough landscape to navigate. 

Our Services

Redwood can help articulate your grid tech company’s unique contributions to a better, lower-carbon electric grid and earn the attention and engagement of target audiences by providing:

  • Communications strategy and planning

  • Messaging with a focus on differentiation

  • Marketing strategy and content

  • Media relations

  • Drafting/editing website copy

  • Social media management and strategy

  • Internal, investor, policy, farmer, landowner, and crisis communications

Our Specialities

Redwood’s team has a long track record of working with companies across the entire grid tech ecosystem, including: 

  • Service providers

  • Utilities services

  • Energy storage and data centers

  • Grid infrastructure

  • Regulatory organizations

  • Green hydrogen and industrial manufacturing

  • Energy certificate and tracking offerings

See our results.

Grid tech companies we’ve worked with:

Book a Free Consultation

Book your complimentary consultation to discover how Redwood can amplify your grid tech traction.