Green Storytelling and the Art of Eco-Narratives on Climate Mayhem [Podcast]

In a two-part series Josh Garrett, Redwood Climate Communications CEO and Co-founder, discusses what Redwood does best: Green Storytelling and the Art of Eco-Narratives. Josh shares how climate communications has changed over time and best practices for talking about climate. His examples include what he learned from past jobs, how Redwood started, and of course, beer preferences. 

Josh defines a climate communicator as someone effective at informing and inspiring people to take action. “Rollie Williams’ Climate Town show is a great example of this, showing climate communications can be funny and fun and also effective,” said Josh. He also mentions Don’t Look Up as the compelling allegory for Climate Change because it doesn’t mention climate but is universally understood. He continues to say how we frame climate solutions is important “Typically Climate Tech products that work better and are cooler.” He adds the PR moment for solutions is when adding the “what can I do about the problem” for audiences and that could be getting a heat pump or induction stove. 

Check out his episodes for more on climate PR tips and insights.


Now Sprouting: OnBoard, a Streamlined PR Program for Climate Tech Startups


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