Case Study:

Making Heroes out of Heat Pumps

The Challenge

Having invented an entirely new approach to home energy improvements that allows for no-money-down payment plans and performance guarantees (“if you don’t save energy, we don’t get paid”), Sealed had a firm foundation from which to expand its business.

In addition to expanding awareness of its brand in available markets, Sealed leadership wanted to elevate the company’s visibility and influence in the world of climate tech by showcasing how its tech and services were realizing emissions reductions from home energy use in new and scalable ways.

The Solution

Redwood provided the climate tech experience and skill set Sealed was looking for, and the two teams quickly jelled over their knowledge of the residential energy sector, consumer decarbonization products, and prevailing trends in the push toward a zero-carbon global economy. Redwood dove in to provide valuable communications strategy and media relations support for Sealed’s Series B funding announcement, securing high-visibility coverage in tech, business, and climate tech outlets. 

Redwood continued to provide broad strategic communications services to Sealed as the company went through several transitions and adjusted its business model to take advantage of the many opportunities for home energy improvements created by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). That adjustment took the form of a full business pivot from a B2C to a B2B model and a narrative shift for the brand. Together, Sealed and Redwood told a compelling story about the pivot in owned and earned media channels, setting the stage for new initiatives and projects.

Redwood continues to provide Sealed with comms strategy and media support after more than two years, helping to make the Sealed name synonymous with fast, easy home energy improvements and the elimination of energy waste.


Sealed is a rebate aggregator tapping into the IRA and other government rebate programs that provide upfront rebates to contractors to help accelerate the home electrification process and get projects done faster.

By making home energy efficiency and electrification projects more accessible, Sealed is helping to reduce the 20% share of U.S. GHGs from residential energy use.


Energy Efficiency


  • Media Relations

  • Thought Leadership

  • Writing

Media Results

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